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Linspire - Wikipedia

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免费下载编程不需 mpi 转换器,直接通过pc上的 rs232 口 现场总线通讯功能. 控制器功能中已集成了Profibus DP Master / Slave, Profibus FMS 和 LONWorks. 利用web server进行监控. Lindows 5.x. Lindows, later Linspire, was an attempt similar to Corel Linux to put desktop Linux in the hands of the consumer. With a customized KDE 3.x desktop, custom applications borderline cloning the Apple iLife suite, and a primitive "app store," it was intended to be easy to use and fully functional out of the box.

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May 28, 2002 求Lindows操作系统的下载地址与Mac操作系统的下载地址,要iso镜像文件的。 linux到红旗linux官网,下载桌面版,正版,免费使用;windows到处都是,非正版;mac没用过。

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